
Try 2.0 preview (antd v5)

Hello everyone, we are very happy that the early 2.0 version for Ant Design v5 have been released to Nuget, and you can try it by install the package:


<PackageReference Include="AntDesign" Version="2.0.0-nightly-*" />


@using AntDesign
@using CssInCSharp


    <link no-antblazor-css />
    <StyleOutlet @rendermode="InteractiveServer" />
    @* <HeadOutlet @rendermode="InteractiveServer" /> *@

The branch of v5 is on https://github.com/ant-design-blazor/ant-design-blazor/tree/compatibility-v5 , welcome contributions!

Please try and give us your feedback. We will continue the improvment for the development experience.

TestKit Getting nightly builds
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