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Ant Design Charts Blazor 图表库基于 G2Plot 开发,

GitHub: https://github.com/ant-design-blazor/ant-design-charts-blazor

📦 安装

  • 进入应用的项目文件夹,安装 NuGet 包引用

    $ dotnet add package AntDesign.Charts
  • wwwroot/index.html(WebAssembly) 或 Pages/_Host.razor(Server) 中引入静态文件:

    <script src="_content/AntDesign.Charts/g2plot.min.js"></script>
    <script src="_content/AntDesign.Charts/ant-design-charts-blazor.js"></script>
  • _Imports.razor 中加入命名空间

    @using AntDesign.Charts
  • 最后就可以在.razor组件中引用啦!

    <Line Data="data" Config="config" />
    @code {
        object[] data = new object[] {
            new  { year = "1991", value = 3 },
            new  { year = "1992", value = 4 },
            new  { year = "1993", value = 3.5 },
            new  { year = "1994", value = 5 },
            new  { year = "1995", value = 4.9 },
            new  { year = "1996", value = 6 },
            new  { year = "1997", value = 7 },
            new  { year = "1998", value = 9 },
            new  { year = "1999", value = 13 },
        LineConfig config = new LineConfig()
                Padding = "auto",
                XField = "year",
                YField = "value",
                Smooth = true,

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