

Alert component for feedback.

When To Use

  • When you need to show alert messages to users.
  • When you need a persistent static container which is closable by user actions.


The simplest usage for short messages.

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To show close button.

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Decent icon make information more clear and more friendly.

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Display Alert as a banner at top of page.

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Smoothly unmount Alert upon close.

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There are 4 types of Alert: success, info, warning, error.

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Additional description for alert message.

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Replace the default icon with customized content.

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Show a loop banner by using with CSS @keyframes.

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Using the ErrorBoundary provided by .NET 6 for making error handling easier in Blazor.

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Alert API#

Property Description Type Default Value
AfterClose ParameterCalled when close animation is finished EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> --
Banner ParameterWhether to show as banner Boolean false
Closable ParameterWhether Alert can be closed Boolean false
CloseText ParameterClose text to show String --
Description ParameterAdditional content of Alert String --
Icon ParameterCustom icon, effective when showIcon is true RenderFragment --
Message ParameterContent of Alert String --
MessageTemplate ParameterTemplate for content RenderFragment --
ShowIcon ParameterWhether to show icon. Boolean? --
Type ParameterType of Alert styles, options: success, info, warning, error AlertType? --
OnClose ParameterCallback when Alert is closed. EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> --
ChildContent ParameterAdditional Content RenderFragment --
Id ParameterID for the component's HTML String Uniquely Generated ID
Class ParameterSpecifies one or more class names for an DOM element. String --
Style ParameterSpecifies an inline style for a DOM element. String --
RefBack ParameterA ForwardRef instance. You can get a reference to the internal DOM by using AntDesign.ForwardRef.Current. ForwardRef --
Tree Drawer
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