


The most basic usage.

expand code expand code

You can customize the style of the button, just note the size limit: no more than 40px * 40px.

expand code expand code

BackTop API#

Property Description Type Default Value
Icon ParameterIcon for the button String vertical-align-top
ChildContent ParameterContent for the button. Takes priority over icon. RenderFragment --
VisibilityHeight ParameterScroll offset at which the button becomes visible, in px Double 400
TargetSelector ParameterThe scrollable area the button is for String window
OnClick ParameterCallback executed when BackTop gets clicked. Won't override default functionality. EventCallback --
Id ParameterID for the component's HTML String Uniquely Generated ID
Class ParameterSpecifies one or more class names for an DOM element. String --
Style ParameterSpecifies an inline style for a DOM element. String --
RefBack ParameterA ForwardRef instance. You can get a reference to the internal DOM by using AntDesign.ForwardRef.Current. ForwardRef --
Anchor Area
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