


Simplest Usage.

expand code expand code

You can choose another style of image by setting Simple to true, here is different from Ant Design.

expand code expand code

Customize image source, image size, description and extra content.

expand code expand code

Use ConfigProvider set global Empty style.

expand code expand code

Simplest Usage with no description.

expand code expand code

Empty API#

Property Description Type Default Value
ImageStyle ParameterStyle for the wrapper of the image. Always used regardless of image type. String --
Small ParameterUse small variant of Empty Boolean --
Simple ParameterUse simple variant of Empty. Changes image as well. Boolean --
ChildContent ParameterContent displayed after the empty view RenderFragment --
Description ParameterLocale configuration for the empty view OneOf<String, Boolean?> No Data (in current locale)
DescriptionTemplate ParameterDescription content for the view. Takes priority over AntDesign.Empty.Description RenderFragment --
Image ParameterImage URL for view. Takes priority over AntDesign.Empty.Simple String --
ImageTemplate ParameterImage content for empty view. Takes priority over AntDesign.Empty.Image and AntDesign.Empty.Simple RenderFragment --
Id ParameterID for the component's HTML String Uniquely Generated ID
Class ParameterSpecifies one or more class names for an DOM element. String --
Style ParameterSpecifies an inline style for a DOM element. String --
RefBack ParameterA ForwardRef instance. You can get a reference to the internal DOM by using AntDesign.ForwardRef.Current. ForwardRef --
Descriptions Image
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