

Display a notification message globally.

When To Use

To display a notification message at any of the four corners of the viewport. Typically it can be used in the following cases:

  • A notification with complex content.
  • A notification providing a feedback based on the user interaction. Or it may show some details about upcoming steps the user may have to follow.
  • A notification that is pushed by the application.


The simplest usage that close the notification box after 4.5s.

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A notification box with a icon at the left side.

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The icon can be customized to any react node.

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Update content with unique key.

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Using the ErrorBoundary provided by .NET 6 for making error handling easier in Blazor.

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Duration can be used to specify how long the notification stays open. After the duration time elapses, the notification closes automatically. If not specified, default value is 4.5 seconds. If you set the value to 0, the notification box will never close automatically.

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To customize the style or font of the close button.

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A notification box can appear from the topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft or topLeft of the viewport.

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Using NotificationRef.

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Notification API#

Property Description Type Default Value
Id ParameterID for the component's HTML String Uniquely Generated ID
Class ParameterSpecifies one or more class names for an DOM element. String --
Style ParameterSpecifies an inline style for a DOM element. String --
RefBack ParameterA ForwardRef instance. You can get a reference to the internal DOM by using AntDesign.ForwardRef.Current. ForwardRef --

NotificationService API#

Method Signature Return Type Description
Config(NotificationGlobalConfig config) void Provide default configuration for all notifications
CreateRefAsync(NotificationConfig config) Task<NotificationRef> just create a NotificationRef without open it
UpdateAsync(String key, OneOf<String, RenderFragment> description, OneOf<String, RenderFragment?? message) Task update a existed notification box
Open(NotificationConfig config) Task<NotificationRef> Open a notification box
Success(NotificationConfig config) Task<NotificationRef> open a notification box with NotificationType.Success style
Error(NotificationConfig config) Task<NotificationRef> open a notification box with NotificationType.Error style
Info(NotificationConfig config) Task<NotificationRef> open a notification box with NotificationType.Info style
Warning(NotificationConfig config) Task<NotificationRef> open a notification box with NotificationType.Warning style
Warn(NotificationConfig config) Task<NotificationRef> Equivalent to Warning method
Close(String key) Task close notification by key
Destroy() void destroy all Notification box

NotificationConfig API#

Property Description Type Default Value
Btn 自定义关闭按钮 RenderFragment --
ClassName 自定义 CSS class String --
CloseIcon 自定义关闭图标 RenderFragment --
Message 通知提醒标题,必选,string 或者 RenderFragment OneOf<String, RenderFragment> --
Description 通知提醒内容,必选,string 或者 RenderFragment OneOf<String, RenderFragment> --
Duration 自动关闭的延时,单位为秒。默认 4.5 秒后自动关闭,配置为 0 则不自动关闭 Double? --
Icon 自定义图标 RenderFragment --
Key 当前通知唯一标志 String --
Style 自定义内联样式 String --
Placement 弹出位置 NotificationPlacement? --
NotificationType 通知提醒框左侧的图标类型 NotificationType --
OnClose 当通知关闭时触发 --
OnClick 点击通知时触发的回调函数 --

NotificationRef API#

Property Description Type Default Value
Config the notification box's config NotificationConfig --
OnOpen Func<Task> --
OnClose Func<Task> --
Method Signature Return Type Description
OpenAsync() Task open the notification box
UpdateConfigAsync() Task After modifying the Config property, update the notification box
UpdateConfigAsync(OneOf<String, RenderFragment> description) Task update the notification box's description
UpdateConfigAsync(OneOf<String, RenderFragment> description, OneOf<String, RenderFragment> message) Task update the notification box's description and message
CloseAsync() Task close the notification box
Modal Popconfirm
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