Display the current progress of an operation flow.
When To Use
If it will take a long time to complete an operation, you can use Progress
to show the current progress and status.
- When an operation will interrupt the current interface, or it needs to run in the background for more than 2 seconds.
- When you need to display the completion percentage of an operation.
Progress API#
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
Size | Parameterprogress size | ProgressSize | ProgressSize.Default |
Type | Parameterto set the type, options: line circle dashboard | ProgressType | ProgressType.Line |
Format | Parametertemplate function of the content | Func<Double, String> | i% |
Percent | Parameterto set the completion percentage | Double | -- |
ShowInfo | Parameterwhether to display the progress value and the status icon | Boolean | true |
Status | Parameterto set the status of the Progress, options: success exception normal active(line only) | ProgressStatus? | ProgressStatus.Normal |
StrokeLinecap | Parameterto set the style of the progress linecap | ProgressStrokeLinecap | ProgressStrokeLinecap.Round |
SuccessPercent | Parametersegmented success percent | Double | 0 |
TrailColor | Parametercolor of unfilled part | String | -- |
StrokeWidth | Parameterto set the width of the progress bar, unit: px to set the width of the circular progress, unit: percentage of the canvas width to set the width of the dashboard progress, unit: percentage of the canvas width | Int32 | Type = line: 10, Type = circle or dashboard: 6 |
StrokeColor | Parametercolor of progress bar, render linear-gradient when passing an object color of circular progress, render linear-gradient when passing an object | OneOf<String, Dictionary<String, String>> | -- |
Steps | Parameterthe total step count | Int32 | 0 |
Width | Parameterto set the canvas width of the circular progress, unit: px to set the canvas width of the dashboard progress, unit: px | Int32 | 120 |
GapDegree | Parameterthe gap degree of half circle, 0 ~ 295 | Int32 | 75 |
GapPosition | Parameterthe gap position, options: top bottom left right | ProgressGapPosition | ProgressGapPosition.Bottom |
Id | ParameterID for the component's HTML | String | Uniquely Generated ID |
Class | ParameterSpecifies one or more class names for an DOM element. | String | -- |
Style | ParameterSpecifies an inline style for a DOM element. | String | -- |
RefBack | ParameterA ForwardRef instance. You can get a reference to the internal DOM by using AntDesign.ForwardRef.Current . |
ForwardRef | -- |