A Slider component for displaying current value and intervals in range.
When To Use
- To input a value in a range.
Slider API#
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
DefaultValue | ParameterThe default value of slider. When AntDesign.Slider`1.Range is false, use number, otherwise, use [number, number] |
TValue | -- |
Disabled | ParameterIf true, the slider will not be interactable | Boolean | -- |
Dots | ParameterCurrently not implemented. Whether the thumb can drag over ticks only | Boolean | -- |
Included | ParameterMake effect when AntDesign.Slider`1.Marks not null, true means containment and false means coordinative |
Boolean | true |
Marks | ParameterTick mark of Slider | SliderMark[] | -- |
Max | ParameterThe maximum value the slider can slide to | Double | 100 |
Min | ParameterThe minimum value the slider can slide to | Double | 0 |
Range | If the slider is a range slider or not. Determined by type of TValue |
Boolean | -- |
Reverse | ParameterOrder and direction of numbers and min/max. When true, Max is on the left and Min is on the right When false, Min is on the left and Max is on the right |
Boolean | false |
Step | ParameterThe granularity the slider can step through values. Must greater than 0, and be divided by (AntDesign.Slider`1.Max - AntDesign.Slider`1.Min ). When AntDesign.Slider`1.Marks is not null, AntDesign.Slider`1.Step can be null. |
Double? | -- |
Vertical | ParameterIf true, the slider will be vertical. If false, it will be horizontal. | Boolean | false |
OnAfterChange | ParameterCallback executed when onmouseup is fired. | EventCallback<TValue> | -- |
OnChange | ParameterCallback executed when the user changes the slider's value. | EventCallback<TValue> | -- |
HasTooltip | ParameterWhether markers should have tooltips or not | Boolean | true |
TipFormatter | ParameterMethod to get display value for tooltip. Will pass slider value and get string for display back | Func<Double, String> | (value) => value.ToString() |
TooltipPlacement | ParameterSet Tooltip display position. See Tooltip for more information |
Placement | Right for vertical. Top for horizontal |
TooltipVisible | ParameterIf true Tooltip will always show | Boolean | -- |
GetTooltipPopupContainer | ParameterNot currently implemented. The DOM container of the Tooltip | Object | -- |
Value | ParameterGets or sets the value of the input. This should be used with two-way binding. | TValue | -- |
ValidationMessages | Validation messages for the FormItem | String[] | -- |
AdditionalAttributes | ParameterGets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be applied to the created element. | IReadOnlyDictionary<String, Object> | -- |
ValueChanged | ParameterCallback that updates the bound value. | EventCallback<TValue> | -- |
ValueExpression | ParameterAn expression that identifies the bound value. | Expression<Func<TValue>> | -- |
ValuesExpression | ParameterAn expression that identifies the enumerable of bound values. | Expression<Func<IEnumerable<TValue>>> | -- |
Size | ParameterThe size of the input box. Note: in the context of a form, `InputSize.Large` is used. Available: `InputSize.Large` `InputSize.Default` `InputSize.Small` | InputSize | InputSize.Default |
CultureInfo | ParameterWhat Culture will be used when converting string to value and value to string Useful for InputNumber component. | CultureInfo | CultureInfo.CurrentCulture |
Id | ParameterID for the component's HTML | String | Uniquely Generated ID |
Class | ParameterSpecifies one or more class names for an DOM element. | String | -- |
Style | ParameterSpecifies an inline style for a DOM element. | String | -- |
RefBack | ParameterA ForwardRef instance. You can get a reference to the internal DOM by using AntDesign.ForwardRef.Current . |
ForwardRef | -- |
SliderMark API#
Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
Key | Number for mark to be on. Must be in the range of the Min and Max of the containing Slider | Double | -- |
Value | Display content for the mark | RenderFragment | -- |
Style | Style for the mark | String | -- |