

A Slider component for displaying current value and intervals in range.

When To Use

  • To input a value in a range.


Basic slider. When range is true, display as dual thumb mode. When disable is true, the slider will not be interactable.

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You can add an icon beside the slider to make it meaningful.

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The onChange callback function will fire when the user changes the slider's value. The onAfterChange callback function will fire when onmouseup fired.

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The vertical Slider.

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When tooltipVisible is true, ToolTip will show always, or ToolTip will not show anyway, even if dragging or hovering.

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Synchronize with InputNumber component.

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Use tipFormatter to format content of Tooltip. If tipFormatter is null, hide it.

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Using marks property to mark a graduated slider, use value or defaultValue to specify the position of thumb. When included is false, means that different thumbs are coordinative. when step is null, users can only slide the thumbs onto marks.

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Using reverse to render slider reversely.

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Slider API#

Property Description Type Default Value
DefaultValue ParameterThe default value of slider. When AntDesign.Slider`1.Range is false, use number, otherwise, use [number, number] TValue --
Disabled ParameterIf true, the slider will not be interactable Boolean --
Dots ParameterCurrently not implemented. Whether the thumb can drag over ticks only Boolean --
Included ParameterMake effect when AntDesign.Slider`1.Marks not null, true means containment and false means coordinative Boolean true
Marks ParameterTick mark of Slider SliderMark[] --
Max ParameterThe maximum value the slider can slide to Double 100
Min ParameterThe minimum value the slider can slide to Double 0
Range If the slider is a range slider or not. Determined by type of TValue Boolean --
Reverse ParameterOrder and direction of numbers and min/max.

When true, Max is on the left and Min is on the right

When false, Min is on the left and Max is on the right

Boolean false
Step ParameterThe granularity the slider can step through values. Must greater than 0, and be divided by (AntDesign.Slider`1.Max - AntDesign.Slider`1.Min). When AntDesign.Slider`1.Marks is not null, AntDesign.Slider`1.Step can be null. Double? --
Vertical ParameterIf true, the slider will be vertical. If false, it will be horizontal. Boolean false
OnAfterChange ParameterCallback executed when onmouseup is fired. EventCallback<TValue> --
OnChange ParameterCallback executed when the user changes the slider's value. EventCallback<TValue> --
HasTooltip ParameterWhether markers should have tooltips or not Boolean true
TipFormatter ParameterMethod to get display value for tooltip. Will pass slider value and get string for display back Func<Double, String> (value) => value.ToString()
TooltipPlacement ParameterSet Tooltip display position. See Tooltip for more information Placement Right for vertical. Top for horizontal
TooltipVisible ParameterIf true Tooltip will always show Boolean --
GetTooltipPopupContainer ParameterNot currently implemented. The DOM container of the Tooltip Object --
Value ParameterGets or sets the value of the input. This should be used with two-way binding. TValue --
ValidationMessages Validation messages for the FormItem String[] --
AdditionalAttributes ParameterGets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be applied to the created element. IReadOnlyDictionary<String, Object> --
ValueChanged ParameterCallback that updates the bound value. EventCallback<TValue> --
ValueExpression ParameterAn expression that identifies the bound value. Expression<Func<TValue>> --
ValuesExpression ParameterAn expression that identifies the enumerable of bound values. Expression<Func<IEnumerable<TValue>>> --
Size ParameterThe size of the input box. Note: in the context of a form, `InputSize.Large` is used. Available: `InputSize.Large` `InputSize.Default` `InputSize.Small` InputSize InputSize.Default
CultureInfo ParameterWhat Culture will be used when converting string to value and value to string Useful for InputNumber component. CultureInfo CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
Id ParameterID for the component's HTML String Uniquely Generated ID
Class ParameterSpecifies one or more class names for an DOM element. String --
Style ParameterSpecifies an inline style for a DOM element. String --
RefBack ParameterA ForwardRef instance. You can get a reference to the internal DOM by using AntDesign.ForwardRef.Current. ForwardRef --

SliderMark API#

Property Description Type Default Value
Key Number for mark to be on. Must be in the range of the Min and Max of the containing Slider Double --
Value Display content for the mark RenderFragment --
Style Style for the mark String --
Select Switch
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