


Simplest Usage.

expand code expand code

Display statistic data in Card.

expand code expand code

Number separator usage.

expand code expand code

Add unit through Prefix and Suffix.

expand code expand code

Countdown component.

expand code expand code

Statistic API#

Property Description Type Default Value
DecimalSeparator ParameterDecimal separator for number formatting String .
GroupSeparator ParameterGroup separator for number formatting String ,
Precision ParameterNumber of decimal places for rounding Int32 0
CultureInfo ParameterSpecifies the culture to use for formatting the number. CultureInfo --
Prefix ParameterPrefix text for before the displayed value String --
PrefixTemplate ParameterPrefix content for before the displayed value RenderFragment --
Suffix ParameterSuffix string for after the displayed value String --
SuffixTemplate ParameterSuffix content for after the displayed value RenderFragment --
Title ParameterTitle string for the value String --
TitleTemplate ParameterTitle content for the value RenderFragment --
Value ParameterValue for displaying TValue --
ValueStyle ParameterStyle for the value display String --
ChildContent Parameter RenderFragment --
Id ParameterID for the component's HTML String Uniquely Generated ID
Class ParameterSpecifies one or more class names for an DOM element. String --
Style ParameterSpecifies an inline style for a DOM element. String --
RefBack ParameterA ForwardRef instance. You can get a reference to the internal DOM by using AntDesign.ForwardRef.Current. ForwardRef --

CountDown API#

Property Description Type Default Value
Format ParameterFormat of the time String hh:mm:ss
Value ParameterThe value of the countdown DateTime --
OnFinish ParameterCallback executed when the countdown runs out EventCallback --
RefreshInterval ParameterInterval, in milliseconds, to update the UI on Int32 100ms
Prefix ParameterPrefix text for before the displayed value String --
PrefixTemplate ParameterPrefix content for before the displayed value RenderFragment --
Suffix ParameterSuffix string for after the displayed value String --
SuffixTemplate ParameterSuffix content for after the displayed value RenderFragment --
Title ParameterTitle string for the value String --
TitleTemplate ParameterTitle content for the value RenderFragment --
ValueStyle ParameterStyle for the value display String --
ChildContent Parameter RenderFragment --
Id ParameterID for the component's HTML String Uniquely Generated ID
Class ParameterSpecifies one or more class names for an DOM element. String --
Style ParameterSpecifies an inline style for a DOM element. String --
RefBack ParameterA ForwardRef instance. You can get a reference to the internal DOM by using AntDesign.ForwardRef.Current. ForwardRef --
Method Signature Return Type Description
Reset() void Reset the countdown
Segmented Table
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