


The most basic usage of Transfer involves providing the source data and target keys arrays, plus the rendering and some callback functions.

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Advanced Usage of Transfer.

You can customize the labels of the transfer buttons, the width and height of the columns, and what should be displayed in the footer.

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Custom each Transfer Item, and in this way you can render a complex datasource.

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Customize render list with Table component.

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Customize render list with Tree component.

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Transfer API#

Property Description Type Default Value
DataSource ParameterUsed for setting the source data. The elements that are part of this array will be present jn the left column, except for the elements whose keys are included in AntDesign.Transfer.TargetKeys. IEnumerable<TransferItem> --
Titles ParameterTitles for the columns left to right. Must be an array with 2 elements. String[] --
Operations ParameterLabels to display next to the icons for the operations, from top to bottom. Must be an array with 2 elements. String[] --
Disabled ParameterWhether the component is disabled or not Boolean false
ShowSearch ParameterWhether to show search bars in the columns or not Boolean false
ShowSelectAll ParameterWhether to show select all buttons in the columns or not Boolean true
TargetKeys ParameterKeys of elements that are listed in the right column IEnumerable<String> --
SelectedKeys ParameterCurrently selected items IEnumerable<String> --
OnChange ParameterCallback executed when an item moves columns EventCallback<TransferChangeArgs> --
OnScroll ParameterCallback executed when a column is scrolled EventCallback<TransferScrollArgs> --
OnSearch ParameterCallback executed when a column is searched EventCallback<TransferSearchArgs> --
OnSelectChange ParameterCallbac executed when the selected items change in either column EventCallback<TransferSelectChangeArgs> --
Render ParameterCustom render for the items in the columns Func<TransferItem, OneOf<String, RenderFragment>> --
Locale ParameterLocacle used for localization of text TransferLocale --
Footer ParameterFooter string displayed in the footer of each column String --
FooterTemplate ParameterFooter content displayed in the footer of each column RenderFragment --
ChildContent ParameterChild content RenderFragment --
ListStyle ParameterA custom CSS style used for rendering the transfer columns Func<TransferDirection, String> --
Id ParameterID for the component's HTML String Uniquely Generated ID
Class ParameterSpecifies one or more class names for an DOM element. String --
Style ParameterSpecifies an inline style for a DOM element. String --
RefBack ParameterA ForwardRef instance. You can get a reference to the internal DOM by using AntDesign.ForwardRef.Current. ForwardRef --
TimePicker TreeSelect
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